I had a fun week. Wednesday was really the day of most of my activities.
Greg, who owns the Yellowstone Basin Inn a little north of where I live wanted to have fun with me on July 14 since it was his birthday. We started our day off around 12:30 or 1:00 pm (since I get up late in the day because of my strange schedule). We took our bikes up Crevice Mountain at the edge of the Crevice Mountain Guest Ranch property. From there, we rode down the mountain about 9.2 miles to Gardiner. We've had such bad weather for most of the spring and summer so far, so I was really grateful to God for such a beautiful day. We drove down Crevice Mountain Road, and then down the Jardine Road. The views were magnificent as much of western Montana's views are. Once we got down to the bottom, we took my car to the top and picked up Greg's and then went to our next fun spot.
Greg and I went white water rafting on the Yellowstone River. It's pretty much an annual tradition with me to go. Because Greg and I are hotel workers, the rafting companies and other businesses in the area like to give us either discounts or free rides because they want us to recommend their businesses at the front desk when anyone asks us about area activities. We started from where the Gardner River merges with the Yellowstone River and went to a pick-up point just south of Corwin Springs. Greg and I have been doing this a long time so we both took front positions. Yellowstone River is not very difficult at all for us.
I still think it's amusing to think about one of the people that was on the raft with us. It was a hot day and the river, of course, was cold. Greg and I would get water in our mouths from the splashing and whatnot. This guy said that it was tempting to even swallow the water because it was so refreshingly cool, but then again he knew that the water wasn't clean. It's funny. I had no such temptation at all. I'm a jaded local! Ha ha.
When I got home from those two activities, I found that Dad and Bonnie were at the house. They were working on their Suburban in one of the garages and had sat down for a moment's rest. Eventually, Steve, Dad's friend, came by and then Dad, Bonnie, Jean, and Steve had lunch out on the picnic table by the river bank. I had already eaten and I was looking forward to a good barbecue that night (I eat at strange hours) so I just sat and visited. After their dinner Dad and Steve continued working on his Suburban and finally went back home to Livingston.
That night I went to Trever's and Veronica's apartment to have dinner with them. Originally we were going to have a barbecue, but the plans slightly changed. We had prime rib instead! It was good to have fun with them and to hang out and talk. After dinner Trever and I watched a movie; Veronica had to get up early to work so she immediately went to bed.
Thursday July 15 Jean and I went to Livingston because I made a doctor's appointment. Since about a week ago, I have been having sinus problems. Having hay fever, I am no stranger to a clogged or runny nose, sneezing eternally, itchy and watery eyes, and eczema (believe it or not eczema and psoriasis are conditions related to hay fever). Unfortunately I had some kind of irritant in one of my nostrils which I couldn't remedy. The doctor couldn't find any obstructions or anything like an obstruction, so it was his opinion that I had inflammation. He prescribed for me some better medicine for my condition (including a nasal steroid) to help deal with my summer allergies.
After the doctor's visit, Jean and I went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. We've had kind of a difficult week because of decision making at the house, and sometimes comfort food makes all the difference. I washed the car since earlier that day when Zana and the kids were at the house during the morning someone fingered "Wash Me" on the hood." I love people with a sense of humor! When we got back to Gardiner, I showed Jean where Greg and I biked since she hadn't been in that area in several years, and then we went home. I was kind of tired after all the activities I had done this week, so I veged in front of the TV until bedtime.
Next week Jean will be out of town, so I don't know if I'll see her at all. I always enjoy her company, so I'll miss her.