I have been so busy this past July that I haven't had time to really reflect on what's happened! I decided that today I needed to just do nothing and catch up with friends on what's been going on. That's why I've made four blog posts today.
I still haven't forgotten to finish up on my Hawaii vacation! I'll finish telling about that later once I've done more editing. Video editing takes so much more time than photos, and I haven't had any time to work on that, with all the company and projects going on this summer. I promise I'll get back to that though! :)
After Adam got squared away in his new house in Helena, he made a trip to see me in Gardiner because he still had a week left before he actually had to start working. He was still technically on vacation, and had spent two of the three weeks moving. What a great opportunity to come down to Yellowstone!
I have to say that I really enjoy having him around. A lot of times I don't realize how by myself I am all the time. My closest friends all live out of town. Living in the dorms during college when friends were only across the hall is a distant memory.
On the other hand, I have had quite a bit of company while Jean has been out of town. I haven't been in the house by myself any more than normal. The company I've had has been great. It's been a long time since I've seen Jalane and Adam.
Adam came out to Gardiner on July 25 and went back to Helena on the 31st. A lot of our time at the house was spent eating, working or communicating on computers, and playing video games. When Adam arrived on that Monday, I still had to work the rest of that evening and then again on Tuesday in the evening. Regardless we made it work out.
Of course, Adam brought Douglas with him. I was interested to see how my cats would fare with a dog actually living inside the house. I was pretty amazed because Douglas was actually afraid of the cats. In one incident, Lightning felt a little trapped and wanted to run out of the living room where Douglas was with her. Douglas was unintentionally blocking the way. She tried to dart into the hall and he yelped as he rolled on his side! She didn't even touch him or try to attack him! Adam and I had a great laugh with that. Thunder was intently curious of this new animal in the house and kept following Douglas everywhere. Storm generally stayed out of the way but touched Douglas' nose once to sniff. Butterscotch was the real crank. She'd swat Douglas if given a chance, but generally her claws were retracted, so there was no harm done except to Douglas' peace of mind. Lightning was really wary of Douglas and didn't want to be near him at all.
Thunder and Douglas watch each other. |
On Tuesday, July 26, Adam I attempted to hike to Apron Falls in the morning before I had to go to work. We never made it there, but we did get to see a lot of Yellowstone. Adam hadn't ever seen the Suspension Bridge before, so we hiked to it first.
I'm standing on the Suspension Bridge in Yellowstone Park. |
From the Suspension Bridge, we hiked west along the Yellowstone River to the first ravine. That's where we made our mistake. We should have passed that ravine and went on to the next one to find Apron Falls. Regardless, we followed the ravine south to see a pond and a small creek which we mistook for Garnet Creek. We did find a very small waterfall, but it was nothing like the book had shown. At the time I supposed that we saw Luxuriant Falls because it wasn't very tall, but like I mentioned, we were along the wrong ravine. Unfortunately Apron Falls isn't on any trails and isn't listed on any conventional maps. At least I know where to go next time!
This is the butte and the small ravine we hiked to. |
When we were about to go down into the ravine, we were spotted by a pair of red-tailed hawks. They weren't impressed with us, and this one cries above our heads.
We still had a great time in the Park and got to see some wilderness that we hadn't seen before. I hadn't gotten into the Park very much this year, so this was a nice opportunity.
Adam and I went camping at Tom Miner Campground July 27-28. When we got to the camp site we were amazed that we were the only people there! There were a couple trucks in the lot near the fence, but they were getting ready to leave. That night we got a fire going with green wood (yeah, I'll remember to bring my own saw and hatchet next time I'm camping) and made dinner. Later that evening some other campers occupied one other site.
Afterward we hiked up part of the Interpretive Trail at Tom Miner. I had been on it before with Jean a couple years ago, but we definitely missed the petrified tree that was embedded in the cliff side. I'm pretty sure that it was an amethyst petrified tree:
Here are some other good photos from that short hike:
Adam and Douglas on the Interpretive Trail |
The interpretive trail goes up to those rocks. |
Daisies |
Indian Paintbrushes and Daisies |
We got to spend a lot of time talking that night about everything under the sun. Good times! It was another one of those times that I'll remember for a long time.
The next morning we ate breakfast before hiking.
Adam makes breakfast |
After eating, we hiked for about six hours to the Gallatin Petrified Forest along the trail toward the top of Ramshorn Peak. It was uphill all the way, and the end was more treacherous than any other part. The end, however, was the most rewarding. We did get to see quite a bit of petrified wood. The entire trail was absolutely beautiful with some spectacular views.
Adam and Douglas on the trail to Ramshorn Peak |
A field of daisies |
I had no idea that orchids grew out here, but apparently they do! |
Looking back where we had already walked |
The trail goes around the hill on the right toward the middle of the photo. |
Adam and I reach the crossroad trails. We're going right toward Ramshorn Peak. |
Sphinx Mountain in the far distance |
Lone Mountain in the far distance |
Can you spot Sphinx Mountain from where we're standing? |
A large piece of petrified wood |
More petrified wood |
This piece of petrified wood looks like a large knot. |
A petrified tree stump |
A petrified tree stump in the middle of the trail |
Can you spot the two petrified tree logs in this cliff? |
I'm standing next to a petrified tree stump about 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall |
Adam next to the petrified tree stump |
Adam and Fortress Mountain |
Adam and Douglas |
Huge landscape |
Over there! |
Douglas takes five in the shade of Adam's pack. |
Hiking back to the campsite |
One of the cliffs on Ramshorn Peak |
We got to the camp site safely and then drove back to my house near Gardiner.
Saturday, July 30 was Adam's last night at my house. That afternoon we shot off rounds on a couple rifles. I wanted to sight in my new 30-30 especially, but we also shot a semi-automatic .22 rifle. We discovered that the stock wiggled on my new gun, and I was going to have to take it back to the dealer to get it fixed.
That evening I treated Adam to a steak feast. We ate rib eye steaks with baked potatoes, Caesar salad, and steak rolls. There was so much food that we had to put it all on two plates apiece.
Sunday he drove back to Helena. It will be nice that one of my close friends isn't too far away to have some fun excursions occasionally. :)