It's been about a month since I've written on my blog. I'm sorry I've been bad. I hadn't seen Adam for awhile, so on Tuesday, January 10, as soon as I got off work, I took a shower, packed a small bag, and made a beeline there.
I had heard that there was going to be a snowstorm in Montana, but because the weather has been really crazy, I didn't know if I would have do deal with it or not. I figured that the best policy was to go as soon as possible so that I had less time that I had to drive at night if there was a snowstorm. The roads that day were pretty decent until I got to Livingston. Between Livingston and Bozeman there was a little snow, but nothing very serious. From Bozeman to the State Highway 69 juncture, I couldn't have asked for better road conditions. As I got closer to Boulder, the snowstorm started setting in. On Interstate 15 between Boulder and Helena, I actually had to stop twice because I couldn't see anything on the road. It's times like these that I'm glad that I have a four-wheel drive vehicle. Apparently the snowstorm had hit Helena and was moving its way south. There was definitely plenty of ice in Helena, but I got there safely.
I was really glad that I didn't take US Highway 287. There's a spot right before Helena that gets super slick and it's almost impossible to get over it when the road ices over.
We had time to go see Mission: Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol that evening. After the movie we got something to eat at Applebee's. Once we got to his house again, we played a little bit of Wii. We stayed up pretty late that night. Now that I'm on this new shift at work, 1:00 am is literally the middle of my night! It reminded me a little of when he and I played X-Box all night one evening a few years ago in Gardiner.
The next day, since Adam had to be at work, I went to the Cathedral of St. Helena. It is truly a very beautiful building. The stained glass windows depict scenes from Adam and Eve to today. I've always liked stained glass.
Stained glass inside the Cathedral of St. Helena |
Light from the stained glass windows reflect on the pillars in the Cathedral of St. Helena. |
The towers of the Cathedral of St. Helena |
Driving back home to Gardiner was a cinch. The roads were decent enough by afternoon to easily get back.
Adam's one of my closest friends, and I'm glad that he now lives close enough that I can occasionally visit him. His car's not doing too well right now, so he hasn't had the opportunity to see me since July. Hopefully it will get fixed soon!