Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Visiting Grandma

Today I went to Livingston and Bozeman with a few things in mind.  After my chiropractic visit, I went to Evergreen and spent an hour with Grandma.  I hadn't seen her in a few weeks, but Jean, Dad, and Bonnie see her about once a week.  While I was there I showed her pictures I have been scanning and editing from Grandpa's photo album.

That photo album project has been going on since December of last year.  I did get a little bit distracted on it, but I'm almost finished editing all the photos now.  Soon I'm going to make a slide show and provide all the photos to any of our family who wants them.  These photos date between 1941 and 1950.  They span the time that Grandpa went into World War II and end a little bit before he and Grandma got married.  I think it's been a really neat project and I'm happy I did it.  There are about 325 photos total.

I'm not kidding when I say that we have about 10,000 photos in the house that need to get scanned and edited.  Oh well.  Over the next few years I'll get to them all.

So I showed Grandma some of the photos I've been working on.  I didn't want to overwhelm her, so I only showed her a few of the best ones.  She was really happy to see me and kept commenting on how she liked the shirt I wore.

After our visit, I chatted with Pauline who had a great story for me.  Pauline is one of the employees at Evergreen.  Yesterday one of the churches came to visit Evergreen's residents.  They came with a seven-day-old black lamb.  Pauline asked Grandma if she wanted to hold it, but Grandma was afraid that she'd break it.  Pauline had her pet it, and then offered to let her hold the lamb again, and she did.  Grandma held that little lamb and pet it for about fifteen minutes.  Tears streamed down Grandma's face as she told Pauline that she hadn't ever held a baby lamb before and now she could say that she had done that.  Pauline and some of the other people there were overwhelmed at this scene and were crying too.  Pauline's camera was locked in a room and she couldn't get to it, so we don't have any photos or videos of it, but it's a great story.

I don't know if what Grandma said was strictly true though.  She had been to Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming when she was a teenager.  It was a lot like a fair, so Grandma may simply not remember that she's held a lamb.  On the other hand, maybe it's completely true!  Regardless, she was taken by this little animal and everyone thought that it was sweet.

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