Thursday, April 5, 2012

Betty's Memorial Service

I'm sorry It's been a week since Betty's memorial service and I haven't told you how it all went and put up pictures.  To be frank, I've been so busy lately that Betty's arrangements made everything more busy!  I just got plain tired and for example, yesterday I didn't do anything.  I still have so much stuff on my plate that I don't know how to get it all done in a timely manner, but I'll get through it somehow.

Betty's memorial.  Her ashes are in the coffee-pot-shaped planting pot.
So anyway, in case some of you aren't aware, Betty is my grandaunt, the sister of my Dad's Grandma.  She has quite a bit of family, interestingly enough.  Most of them live in the Denver area so I don't get to see them very often.  Betty had three grandchildren who are still alive: Carl, Carlene, and David.  Carl and Carlene are paternal twins, meaning that they aren't identical.  I've met Carlene on several occasions, but I don't remember meeting Carl or David, though if I had I would have only been a baby.  I've never met any of Betty's great- or great-great-grandkids.

I've talked to Carl on the phone more recently, and I wish I knew him and his wife much sooner.  They and I have become good friends as well as second cousins.  I first talked with Carl when Jean and I were trying to figure out what to do with his grandfather's purple heart award from being killed in action during WWII.  After speaking with Carl and Diana it was obvious that they would be the most appropriate people to give the purple heart to.

Some of Betty's memories and accomplishments
Ever since Betty's departure from this Earth, I had been trying to get a lot done.  I had to empty her room and make arrangements with Dahl Funeral Home, which has handled her final matters since 1991.  I was busy collecting photos from the house and getting music together for the memorial service.  I was so busy!

Linda, Betty's daughter-in-law, came up to Montana with David on Tuesday, March 27.  Later that evening Carl and Diana arrived.  Seeing David in Gardiner went well.  I found out that he has a worse allergic reaction to my cats than Carlene, so he couldn't even be in our house for 60 seconds.  Unfortunately his health has deteriorated a bit and he's still recovering from some things, so I think that made it worse.

Betty's family stayed at my hotel while they were in Montana.  That worked out for them all.  David had a room that was pet-free with his mom, and then Carl and Diana were able to have a first floor room for themselves.

Carl speaks at Betty's Memorial Service.
On Wednesday, we went to Bozeman to pick up Betty's ashes and do some errands especially regarding the memorial service.  Jean and I rode in Carl's and Diana's car and had a great conversation with them.  I really think they're great people.  During this trip, Diana's been able to see a lot of our wildlife.  Though they live in Colorado, they live more in a populated area.

Thursday, March 29 was Betty's memorial service at Gardiner Baptist Fellowship.  We didn't have very many people there--mostly Betty's and Grandma's families.  I was kind of surprised because so many people in Gardiner knew Betty and I talked with several.  In a small town, word gets around really fast!  But I was glad to see everyone who did attend.  The service was about 45 minutes long and Carl officiated, since he's also an ordained minister.  Afterward we had a reception in the basement.  I still have leftovers from that!

Betty's family had to leave on Friday, so I had breakfast with Carl, Diana, and Jean that morning before they had to go.

Betty's and Grandma's families who attended the memorial service
Everything went better than planned and now I have to catch up!

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