Thursday, August 27, 2015

Catching Up on 2015: Greene County

March 30 was going to be my last adventure in Alabama on this trip. Scott still hadn't taken me turkey hunting, and he really wanted to take me out. I couldn't actually hunt or even touch a gun without a permit, so really I was going to watch Scott hunt turkeys.

Scott made arrangements to go to a relative's house in Greene County to hunt. When we got there that morning, it was raining, so we waited out the weather for a couple hours. Finally things had dried out enough to attempt this adventure. This was my first real exposure to turkey hunting, so Scott basically showed me all the ropes. Scott told me that it was my job to make the tom turkey horny by imitating a hen, and it would be his job to blast him in the face when he came by.

Scott wears camouflage for this turkey-hunting adventure.
You can't tell, but it's actually me!
You get a point if you can find Scott.
Unfortunately we didn't see a turkey much less get one. Regardless, it was a relaxing morning on the property.

Scott walks back to the house next to a pollen-laden pond.
For lunch, we met Amanda and her mother Teresa in Aliceville at Jack's. Of course Amanda brought Naomi with her and we all had a great lunch.

Teresa and Amanda
Afterward, Teresa had to go back to work, but we went to Eutaw to see Amanda's grandparents. Scott and I drove around town, looking at the numerous plantations and historic buildings. There is quite a bit of history in this quaint little town. Amanda cleaned her grandparents' house and we visited for a bit.

Kirkland Plantation in Eutaw, Alabama
It was getting late in the afternoon, so we drove to Akron where Amanda grew up. We went to her father's farm and I was delighted to meet her father's girlfriend, but I was unable to meet her father.

The sun sets behind an old barn on Amanda's father's propery in Akron, Alabama.
The day was quite relaxing and I really enjoyed touring this beautiful part of Alabama. It was a great send-off since I was going to go back to Seattle the next day.

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