Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Family Discoveries

When Jean and Jalane were here in January for Grandma's memorial service, we came across a photo of my great grandmother Eloise.  She was May's mother.  We believe it to be her high school graduation photo.  I recently scanned it and added it to our family tree.

Ruby Eloise Benson, around 1919
Awhile back we found a picture that we assumed to be from Betty's first husband's family.  The woman in it looked so much like Betty's mother-in-law, I thought it was Betty's grandmother-in-law.  Well, it wasn't so!  I discovered that this unlabeled photo was actually Eloise's mother Maria (pronounced "Meriah") Highland, Eloise's mother!  I realized it when I compared that photo to a labeled photo of Maria in 1939.  Later, I discovered there was more evidence for this photo being of Maria.  Eloise's graduation photo and Maria's photo were taken at the same photo studio in Billings!  I think that this photo is also from 1919.

Maria (Highland) Benson, about 1919
Also, I've been continuing my work on George's photo album.  Recently I've slowed down a bit because I've been more busy, but I'm continuing in my progress none-the-less:

Lyford cuts a fallen tree in the middle of a road in Yellowstone Park.
Jerry and George look at the scenery from the top of Bunsen Peak.
Happy birthday, Sammy!  He just turned 3 years old.
Runoff from Excelsior Geyser Crater flows into Firehole River.
Jerry watches Vixen Geyser in Norris Geyser Basin.

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