Friday, December 23, 2011

The Spirit of Christmas

Have you ever realized that Christmas isn't really a one-day celebration?  Truly it is almost an entire month of celebrating.  Shopping for presents, putting up a Christmas tree and other decorations, work parties, school and community events, and watching Christmas specials and movies are just a few of the things that happen in addition to the actual celebration of Christmas.  I think we get so busy in the Christmas season that we don't even realize how much we celebrate during the month of December.

I think that some people, especially in the government and schools, get way too politically correct.  Having been at the front desk of a hotel, I haven't found Christmas to be offensive to anyone I've worked with regardless of  ethnicity and religious background.  Just like Linus quoted from the Bible, Christmas is about the angels' proclamation more than 2000 years ago: "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased" (Luke 2:14 NASB).  Even if the other people don't believe in my God, they actually appreciate the well-wishing and generosity of the season.  Those who don't believe that Christ is the Son of God generally emphasize Santa Claus as the icon of the season, who even as a fictional character, tends to iterate the best qualities in people.

I find the actions of those who riot in stores trying to buy gifts simply appalling.  They certainly deserve to be on the "bad list."  In the United States we have been blessed beyond that of most nations, and because we have seen so little hardship in comparison to other nations, have become spoiled to the point of throwing tantrums, stampeding store employees to death, and assaulting fellow shoppers to get a competitive edge in shopping.  As the song says, "And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time.  The greatest gift they'll get this year is life."  We're killing each other to attain pieces of plastic that will be broken in two weeks while others are struggling to survive.  This situation is utterly embarrassing, detestable, and hypocritical.  We tell our children that they have to be good for Santa while we mace other shoppers.  What a lovely Christmas present to our loved ones: jail time for mommy who couldn't wait her turn.

I prefer to show the benevolence of Christmas year-round, and to celebrate the holiday, not as a single day in the calendar, but as a whole month to enjoy.  I want my peace on earth and good will toward men.  That means I did not buy noise toys for my cousins.

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