Saturday, December 6, 2014

Visiting with Mothers, Staff Members, and Churches

On November 19, 2014, our mission team to Colombia did a lot of things, oftentimes separate from everyone else.  Although we were coordinated, we mostly worked in teams of two for the day.

In the morning we heard Reina's testimony.  We don't know what persecution is in the United States, but this woman was able to stand her ground even with the threat of violence.  It's wonderful to hear in someone's own words how God protects and softens hard hearts.

At Fresh Wind Children's Center, Michele helped the kids with crafts that day.  During much of the week, she continued to work with the kids there and did such a great job.

Michelle and a few of the kids show the craft they made. (Photo from Michele's camera)
Our mission team brought food and other things to give to the mothers of the children who attend the children's center.  Over the next two days, we delivered our care packages to these moms, and prayed for them.

Several of us stayed at the Children's Center and prayed for the staff members.  Many of these people have problems just like us, and to have missionaries come from another country to individually pray for them is a ray of hope for them.  Oftentimes, prayers from us as missionaries carry power that they don't seem to see when they pray by themselves.  I was awed by the stories I heard from these people about things that happened as a result of missionaries' prayers.

After lunch, the older children at Fresh Wind Children's Center presented a skit for us.  I've put the skit in its entirety here, and I know it's a long skit, and it's not in English, but wait it out to the end.  As you watch, you'll recognize God's hand in these kids lives.

That night our group did come together to attend a cell group.  The cell group attends Christian Faith Community Church and meets together at a high school in another part of Medellín.  The church's hope is to bring the love of Christ to the whole city, and so they have many smaller groups meet during the week in many places all over the city.  This cell group was about an hour's drive away from the church.  When we got there, we worshiped with the people, then Jim T. gave a short message, and then we prayed for as many people as we could before we had to leave.

Our group prepares to ride a passenger van to the cell group. (Photo from Michele's camera)

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